We've been extra busy lately with summer activities.

Grandma Bowers got Owen and Rigo their very own minature horse. Her name is Baby and she is little.

Owen has been having the best first summer ever. Not only did he get to stomp the grounds that I used to when I was little but here in the city, he's been
going on walks,
trips to the park,
and putting out fires.....
These pictures were taken at Slice of Shoreview by Auntie Em and Uncle Boots.
Here are some current Owen facts:
-He pulls himself up to everything - one morning I was laying in bed and I heard him saying 'shoes' 'shoes' 'shoes'. So, I go into his room and he is standing up in his crib! Turkey! At that point and time, he thought his feet were shoes. He knows the difference now.
-He walks when you hold his hands...sometimes, he runs.
-He is saying so many words (not always on command though): hi, bye, balls, cars, shoes, shirt, tree
-Today, he picked up a picture of his cousin Caleb when he was just born. He pointed at him and said 'baby'.
-He tries to say everything you say including 'damn it' - no joke.
-He points to things and wants to know what they are called.
-He has 10 teeth, his eye lashes are getting longer and his eyes are getting bigger and more blue.
-It is less than one month before he is ONE YEAR OLD!!! I can't believe it.
-He LOVES his Grandma Pat's famous cheesecake (don't we all). I leave you with this evidence.........
Don't forget - you can double click on any of the pictures to enlarge them!
Thanks for the update! We miss you guys! Hopefully, we can all see each other soon! Things are crazy here . . .Ava has had the stomach flu for a few days now :( Say hi to all from us! Nikki, Brian & Ava
Hi O-Wee,
Grandma loves all your new pics. I think Mtissouri agrees really really good with you. You and your moms are the missing piece that our farm needs, (be sure and tell your moms that). Grandma is looking forward to seeing you again. You will be 1 year old the next time I see you, it doesn't seem possible. Love you lots. Kisses and hugs to you and your moms.
Grandma Bowers
Hi "O",
I checked out your web spot earlier, but didn't have time to send a message...sorry! WOW, are you ever growing...I bet Grandpa Western enjoyed showing you around the farm....I love the miniature horse Grandma Bowers got for you and Rigo...won't that be fun??? You are getting sooo big...I can't believe you are going to be one year old soon...you may be in college before I get to see you..SMILE! Well I had better get busy...tell your mom's hello...I love you all.
Great/great great Aunt Peg
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