Yep, we celebrated Owen's three month birthday today by decorating his first Christmas tree! We can't believe it's only been three seems like he's always been here with us. Here's a picture of Owen in his 'First Christmas' outfit that Auntie Peg sent him. Isn't he cute???!!! Merry Christmas (a little early) to Great Great Auntie Peg and Great Great Uncle Ken in St. Louis! We hope that you aren't snowed in down there.

We ended up having a very fun and relaxing family Christmas weekend. Overall, we think that Owen is going to like this holiday the best....due in part to all the colorful twinkling lights. Saturday morning was dreamy. We got up, had our coffee, breakfast and a nap. Then we went to pick out our Christmas tree (we had a voucher for a free Christmas tree this year, which makes it even more exciting)!!

We were surprised that this tree is one of the nicest trees we've ever had....and it was free! Grandma Pat came over this afternoon to visit Owen on his 3 month Birthday! We think that our beautiful mesmerizing free Christmas tree made Grandma Pat get the urge to pick one up on her way home.....we wonder if she did or not.

Not only did we pick out the tree and decorate the tree, Owen met Santa on Saturday! It appears that Owen was thinking about what was on his list so he could tell Santa but we don't think he ever remembered. Santa finally quit asking.

Here's a big shout-out from Owen to his cousins Anna and Aaron (Jen's brother Matt's 2-year old twins who live in Baltimore). "Hey cuzzes....I can't wait to meet you!!" Owen also asks Aunt Jocelyn to give both of them (and big brother Caleb) a big hug and kiss to thank them for calling to talk to him this weekend. It was a nice treat!