These pictures were all taken at Ava's 3rd birthday party a couple weekends ago. It was Owen's first kid birthday party!
Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. There has been so much going on lately. Last weekend we babysat Ava and Sophie from Friday to Sunday. It was tons of fun but left no time for blogging. Three kids is a lot of work....we'll be stopping at two...maybe one.
Owen did something else yesterday for the first time...he reached for Grandma Pat. It was really sweet.
Sadly Jen's grandma (her dad's mother), Olga, passed away last Friday. Owen's presence was requested at the lunch after the funeral and there was a snow storm that morning. So, we didn't want to drive across the cities to get him for he just came with us for the day. He was really good at the funeral....Aunt Jean said it's nice to hear a baby at a funeral. He didn't cry...just happy sounds. So sweet. Then when we got to the lunch, we took his hat off leaving his hair sticking up and fuzzy.....he just looked around and shot smiles to all the people!! He is quite the charmer.
Jen was just in the other room trying to put Owen to sleep while I am updating the blog. He is wide awake and refuses to go to sleep. So, I guess we'll play. Yes!!! More later.