A couple weeks ago we had a super warm day. So, we decided to take Owen on another great outdoor adventure. We pulled out all the summer clothes, tried them on, packed our bags, grabbed a blanket and headed out. We hiked all the way out our front door, down three stairs to our front yard. :) A very big trip for a 7 month old.

We hope everyone had a nice Easter weekend. We certainly did! Uncle Tyler and his friend Jackie came up to visit. It was nice to just hang out with him. On Easter Sunday, we went to Jean and Terry's house for brunch. As usual, the food was incredible and the afternoon was enjoyable with the family. Owen was a hit....he was his charming self for everyone. It was a lot of fun!
Here is the sweet picture of Tess and Owen with the Easter Bunny. Thanks to Kris for taking them to meet Peter Cottontail and for giving us a 5x7 of this photo...it's going into his baby book for safe keeping once Spring is over.

Last weekend, Brian, Nikki and cousin Ava came into town. We all stayed at Grandma Pats and hung out. Ava and Owen are getting so big....they both played in the living room all by themselves! Ava is so sweet and likes to share toys with Owen....all the toys she can possibly share at once. Luckily, Owen loves to play with lots of toys all at once. Owen? Has anyone seen Owen?

While they were here, Ava took her first full crawl. She had been kind of crawling for a while now but she really put in motion at Grandma Pat's house. It was fun to see. Luckily, we caught it on video!
Eventhough we got to see Ava that weekend, we would have liked to celebrate her first birthday with her this past weekend. HAPPY FIRST BIRTHDAY to Ava Elizabeth Trudeau!
We would also like to say CONGRATULATIONS to Uncle Ty, Uncle Mike, Sophie and Ava on their new cabin on Shoal Lake in Wisconsin! We are so happy for you and can't wait to see Owen's new vacation home....I mean...your new cabin.
A couple Owen updates: 6 teeth and two more on the way; he is very close to sitting all by himself...getting stronger everyday.
I'll leave you with this sweet picture of Jen and Owen. It's dreamy. I could stare at it forever.