Since the last post, we've had a lot of summer fun with friends and family.
Brian and Nikki were in town for a wedding so, we got to spend an entire Saturday with our sweet little niece Ava. It was a nice treat for us all. Look at her dimply smile...too cute!

Look at the love...how sweet. Not only cousins but they are still best friends!

The following weekend my mom, Terra and nephew Rigo all came up from Missouri to hang out with Owen. Kris had a couple days off so they kept Owen during the day. I ended up taking some time off to spend with them while they were here. It kind of defeated the purpose but........
how could I resist this?

What a sweetheart. I wish that he lived closer so that him and Owen could grow up together. They had a lot of fun together even though Owen always wanted whatever Rigo was playing with at the time. Click on this photo of them playing to enlarge it...it is pretty funny.

Here is a pic of Owen hanging out in a hammock with his big cousin Kiana. Owen is excited because Kiana and her sister Kayla are coming over tomorrow to go swimming and to stay all night!
Enough with family business. Owen has a new little friend named Giancarlo! So sweet! Owen is really excited to see Giancarlo again soon.

Important Owen facts:
-While I was in Florida, Owen started pulling up
-While I was in Florida, Owen started crawling (sort of...he army crawls everywhere and fast)
-Tooth count: 8 and more on the way
-He says 'ka' when we watch the cars go by
-He looks up to the sky when you ask him where the airplanes are or when he hears one
-He holds his toy airplane up in the air and makes a motor noise (he does this only when I do it a million times first but he still does it!! He's a genius.)
-9 month check up: 23 pounds and 31 inches long
-He likes potatoes
-He's been swimming tons of times and LOVES it
-He will be 10 months old on Tuesday
-He is cute, sweet and laid back (perfect, really)
So good to see new pics of you. I check your blog everyday to see if your mom has updated. You certainly are perfect in grandmas eyes Sounds like you have been a very busy little boy. Can't wait to see you again. Give everyone a hug and kiss for me.
Love you lots and lots,
Grandma Bowers
Hey "O", you are really beginning to look like a BIG boy...I love the pic of you, with your mom, where you have the headband on...I think you are going to be a major sports figure!! How about that??
Give your moms hugs and have them give you one...all from me, okay?
Love you all,
Great/great, great Aung Peg
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