I asked Owen what we should send Alison for her Birthday and he got a huge grin on his face. So, we are sending this sweet smile out to her on her Birthday and hope she enjoys it as much as we do. Happy Birthday Alison!
These pictures were taken just tonight. He loves his bath and is always so happy right afterward..so sweet.

We just love these times with him. We are really close to having a consistent schedule with naps, feedings, baths, bedtime, etc. It seems he is staying awake longer and eating more at meal times. Kris is noticing this too. He's growing so fast and I think he looks older than 2 months at times. I want him to stay little forever! The thought of him getting old makes us sad. I guess we'll have to have another one. :)
Grammie, I sent some photos to the Walmart website. You can pick them up in the store tomorrow. I had copies made for you, Great Grandma Jerry and Grandpa Western. Love you guys!