Today Owen had a doctor appointment because he has been having a stomach ache for about a week (or less). The doc said it could be my diet or a number of other things. This weekend, i ate a variety of delicious cheeses (port salut, prima donna, brie, etc.) and it seemed his stomach was worse this weekend. So, we decided that i would cut dairy out of my diet for the most part to see if that helps. eventhough the milk makes him gassy, he must like it because he weighs a whopping 10 pounds and 14.5 ounces! the doc gave us some drops to give owen when the discomfort occurs.
overall, today was pretty mild...lots of holding and comforting Owen to ease his pains. hopefully when mommy gets home with his gas bubble drops, they will subside and he can be a happy munchkin for the evening! those times are awesome...because he has started coo-ing, smiling and talking to us! we love it!
the united states is expected to reach 300 million americans by mid October. I like to think that on September 3rd, Owen was the 292,438 millionth American in this equation. a very special number in my book. ;)
1 comment:
Your picture looks like you need grammie there to rock and cuddle you. At least grammie thinks so. Love you sooooooooooo much.
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