We just returned from our first family get-away together. Eventhough it was for my work (AIGA Minnesota), we had a very nice time at Design Camp!! The trees were beautiful colors and the air was cool. My favorite time of year!
We were able to sit outside and enjoy a little sun and the beautiful view of Gull Lake in Nisswa, Minnesota. Here's a picture of O basking in the sun with his Mommies!
I am very glad to be back because now I can continue the remaining three weeks of maternity leave with just me and Owen. Then at the end of that time, Jen will take her remaining 3 weeks of maternity leave. I have requested and have been given an additional 2 weeks because of the c-section recovery but haven't heard whether or not it will be paid leave. If it isn't paid, I will probably not take the two weeks.
In exchange for maternity leave, I agreed to take a break from maternity to work two weeks for Camp. If I would have known that I was going to have a c-section and that having a baby was so demanding, I would have never agreed to do this. Friday of Camp was tiring for me so we took the rest of the weekend for just ourselves. The three of us had a very nice and relaxing time.
I'm looking forward to a lot of walks around the lakes with Owen over the next three weeks! I'm hoping for nice fall weather....everything I dreamed of when planning a fall delivery date. So far, so good..........ah, I love him...and O loves his best friend "Boo" pictured below. After an unfortunate accident involving his previous best friend (the yellow stuffed Peep, which we lost en route to a doc appointment), we picked up a replacement best friend on our way to Camp. O really loves him...as a matter of fact, O has been known to give him a big hug. :)

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