No time to write at the moment....just wanted to give you some new pics. Owen is doing great and we love him to pieces! He is 28 inches long and weighs 19.75 pounds! He's getting so big...as a matter of fact, his doctor said that if he didn't know any better, he would say that Owen is 7 or 8 months old. Oh...Owen has two teeth now and he turns 6 months old a week from this coming Saturday. More teeth and updates later!
Hey "O", you are really getting to be a big guy and just has handsome as ever!! I'm disappointed that I don't get to see you soon, but I certainly understand...to many things going on, but we'll get to see you one of these days...you may be walking!! Sounds like you are way ahead of schedule...good for you! Well gotta run...thanks for the pic's..we love getting your blog site.
Love you,
Great/great great Aunt Peg and Ken too.
My goodness what beautiful eyes. You are growing up so fast, it is hard to believe you will be 6 months old. You are such a handsome little guy. Grammie loves you bunches and bunches. Give your moms and big hug and kiss from grammie.
I love you and miss you sooooooooooooo much.
Grammie Bowers
I miss you!
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