Despite the look on Owen's face in this picture, he had a great time with all his relatives this weekend. On Saturday, Uncle Brian, Aunt Nikki, Cousin Ava, Grandma Heiden and the Moms all went to an apple orchard. It was a lot of fun. We had to bundle the kiddies up really well because there was a slight coolness in the air.

On Sunday, more family came over to Owen's house for corn chowder and curry squash soup!!
Monday: Owen and I were just about to go on a walk with Auntie Voon and Little Voon (Adeline) around 9:00 this morning, when Jen came home from work. Owen said "why is Mommy home already....did she get fired?" Actually....she thought that the rest of her maternity leave didn't start until next week but it actually started this week!! So, now Owen gets 2 full weeks with both Moms! Not only do we get 2 weeks together but that means that day care will start earlier than planned. Yikes!! We aren't sure what fun things we are going to do for the next couple weeks but I'm sure we'll find lots of things to keep us busy!
Owen would like to give a shout out to Katy! Hello Katy!
I love the ending comment! Too cute! I send my love!
I saw you crying in the picture and I wish I was there to dry away your tears.
Grammies loves you soooooooooooo much.
This picture of them is too funny! I love checking out this site to see what Owen is up to! I know he's loving have his mommies at home. We miss you guys already! Did you get my email about the house for sale across the street?
Jenn, I've sent several comments, but I'm wondering if you are getting them....I love checking out the pic's and comments. P.
Hey "O"....you are really getting to be a big guy....I hope I get to see you before you are "totally" grown. Hopefully, after the first of the year we can all get together. Grammie Cindy and I are discussing a reunion of just family members of your Great Great Granddad and Grandmother Cooper...I sure hope that works out because I'm getting anxious to see you...you are such a doll.
Love you,
Great great Aunt Peg
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