October 13, 2007

It's been a while.....

Here are some new(er) photos for you. We've been super busy lately with not a lot of free time. Any free time we do have, is spent together in our daily routine.
Owen is getting big....fast! It breaks my heart! He is saying so much, understanding more and walking around like he owns the place.
Thanks to everyone who made Owen's first birthday so special! The thought put into all his gifts is amazing....like this fire truck from Cousin Ava. It is so Owen! I'm not sure who loves it more....me or Owen. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello O-Wee,
Grandma loves your fire truck and also your little rocking horse. You practice riding it so next summer you will be ready to ride your real pony. Grandma loves you and missses you. Give your moms a hug and kiss from grandma and give yourself a big hug and kiss from grandma and grandpa.

Grandma Bowers