October 20, 2006

It's time to keep warm.....

We bought Owen his first coat today, along with the hat. They both look big in the photo but they fit him pretty well. The hat isn't for warmness but it's for cuteness. Grammie Bowers also sent Owen a nice snow suit for this winter....not to mention the last time she was here, she got him a stocking hat and mittens (they match his new coat). Here's a photo of Owen keeping warm in the seat cover that his buddy Tess gave him. Too cute! He really is ready for his first Minnesota winter.

Uncle Ty, Sophie and Ava came over for pizza this evening (Uncle Mike went to see a musical). Everyone made their own pizza. The plan for dessert was to make carmel apples but it got too late and Sophie fell asleep (she's good at that). So, they are coming back over on Sunday so we can do the apple thing.

Owen is excited because Auntie Terra called and said that she is in the hospital with contractions. She is also dilated to a 2 and if she goes to a 5, they are going to go ahead and deliver Owen's baby cousin, Rodrigo (aka GoGo). We are hoping everything is ok because she is only at week 35 of her pregnancy. We are awaiting a call from Grammie or Auntie Terra with some news sometime in the very near future.