November 21, 2006

Owen says "Have a Happy Thanksgiving... Kapeesh?"

Now, where did I put my cigar? Owen wants to wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! He's pretty excited because he is going to Chicago tomorrow with his moms and Grandma Pat to see Uncle Brian, Aunt Nikki, Cousin Ava, Aunt Melinda and Uncle Michael. Uncle Michael is flying in from Boston! He's never met Owen or he ever in for a treat! We are looking forward to it. We leave tomorrow around 1:00 and plan to come back to Minneapolis on Saturday.

Yeehaaa! Grandpa Western bought this cowboy hat on a trail riding trip for Owen a couple months ago. Isn't he cute?? Soon, he'll be able to fit into his Wranglers, cowboy boots and spurs. Thanks to Grandpa, Lisa and Jan...Owen will be a regular old cowboy/outlaw. His name even exudes outlaw: Owen James Western Trudeau.
Here is a super cute picture of Jen and Owen playing. She is such a great Mom....he adores her and she adores him. It really is sweet. I am so thankful to have both of them in my life. I couldn't be happier.I'm sorry to say that I can't get any other videos to upload but I'm going to keep trying. Well, I better go pack. Have a great Thanksgiving and remember that we love you all very much!

p.s. Happy Happy Birthday to Auntie Voon! We love you and hope you have a great day.